Knit one, miss one...
well, those of you who know me well, know that handwork and I don't quite make easy bed fellows. But the cooler weather and other friend's blogs have inspired me to try some knitting. So far in my life I have managed to finish 1 small square that our home school co-op in South Africa did as a project - we ( and that is not a royal "We" - I had nothing to do with this part!) sewed all our squares together to make a rug for charity.
All my school knitting projects were completed by my wonderful Ouma :)
I therefore, needed to find the easiest recipe, oops, I do mean pattern, I could find. Another form of inspiration came from this book:
I loved reading this and at the back is the pattern for the scarf knitted by the beginners in this book. And so I headed off to a craft shop and bought yarn and needles for myself and the girls. I bought a tweedy colour for myself, 6,5mm needle, blue-white double chunky, 10mm needles for Alexandra and a mixed, purply colour, needle size 6,5mm for Sarah.
My scarf is complete now - took longer than I think they did in the book and is a bit broader than it should be, but I wasn't going to pull it out and start again - I realise again that I am a "let's get this project finished" kind of person.
Alexandra loves knitting - reckons she probably loves it more than the wearing of the scarf - we pulled hers out twice already to get the correct width - she didn't mind having to start over again at all! Hers is almost done :)
Sarah also enjoys hers, but reckons she wasn't quite born to knit as Alexandra was. She is taking hers on camp with her this weekend.
Mm, so what will be next. There is a pattern for an afgan on the book, and my friend Elsje sent me some links for an easy (?) Prohibition shawl...just need to figure out all the knitting-speak in the patterns!
Well done Desiree and girls! I think you are going to need those very soon indeed! It's getting a bit nippy! Remember YouTube is a GREAT resource for figuring out knitting lingo ;o)